Hard paper never had them, FREE mail from Google doesn't have it, but sites using google adds have them. I'm sure its a decision made by the hosting site and not google but it sucks big time so I decided to do something about them....blog :)
The following image is an example

Well I've seen articles broken into several pages so visitors generate more clicks and see more adds but this is ridiculous. And this wasn't enough. They wanted more, so now they break the articles into several pages and put the advertisement right before the navigation pane, that's right, it actually makes you search for the navigation pane, see the below image.

Now was that to confuse the visitor or make him read the adds, I would love to ask the sites usability "expert".
Here's the link to the article from which I took the screen shots : http://www.indianexpress.com/news/pirates-aden/389328/0